Author Topic: More happy clients :-)  (Read 121654 times)


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More happy clients :-)
« on: July 20, 2007, 02:31:30 am »
I recently spoke about my current situation and some owners couldn't help but thank me for my hard work. It's times like this when I know I'm doing right by my clients (the best I can) and that it is worth it to go above and beyond the call of duty when required.
Quote from: "AlanT"
If Listmail is the product of your apprenticeship, you are a programming GOD! It's amazing how many different server configurations you are able to comply with in a single system.

If any of your multiple streams of income involve the creation of another product, do make sure to let us know about it.
- Alan

We all have the Power.
All we need are the Keys.

Thanks, Alan!
Quote from: "val"

You've done an incredible job with ListMailPro - in more ways than one.

I remember, always, the support I received when I purchased LMP - a return phone call years ago. WHO does that?!

And the program itself is powerful. It stands head and shoulders above other scripts and services.

Your support on the forum is commendable. This takes a lot of time and work. Your efforts are amazing.

ListMailPro is my number one recommendation for folks with a just a bit of technical savvy. No affiliate link needed - it's a flat out "go get it" recommendation. And for those who are not as technically adept, I let them know you will install for a very reasonable fee.

Thank you for being accessible and helpful. I am looking forward to your next iteration or new venture.

All the best,
- Val

Change Your Life in 18 Days. Free.

Thanks, Val!
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 10:04:13 am »
Hi Dean,

You may remember the difficulties I had in setting up my account. My host could not integrate the system, then we had to use a third party on your recomendation and it all took a very long time.(Mainly due to my poor knowledge too)

You were brilliant with the support and very patient.

I now mail my 350 members at the touch of a button and although still a novice I am really enjoying the benefits your programme brings.

Thank you for your help, you are a star!

Best Regards
